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No Longer Neglecting Payouts

No Longer Neglecting Payouts

If you cast your mind back to the 2000s, you might remember how hard it was to pay online.

Back then, you had two options: Visa or MasterCard.

Now, it seems like there’s a new way to pay every day.

Why? Because payments is a problem that has been solved.

Payment orchestration platforms have solved the processing problem by streamlining from validation to settlement.

And with so many payment platforms out there, it’s easy for anyone in ecommerce to provide their customers with dozens of payment options. Crypto, Klarna, mobile wallets… you name it!

But while the industry has focused so much on payments, we’ve neglected payouts.

With the rise of the gig and creator economy, #payouts have become more important than ever.

Companies need to be able to easily release funds to workers around the world and coordinate a number of different payment options. Especially for payees in emerging markets, who may not even have a bank account.

And yet, have you heard of a payout orchestration platform?

We’re going to change that.

We’re solving the payouts problem and creating the world’s first payout orchestration platform.

Overcoming the Challenges of High-Volume Payouts

Overcoming the Challenges of High-Volume Payouts

High-volume domestic and global payouts present a unique set of challenges, including compliance with local regulations, currency conversion, and the...

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Payouts Are Tricky. This Is Why We're Here!

Payouts Are Tricky. This Is Why We're Here!

You know that awkward wait between when you tap your card and when the payment goes through?

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